The Difference We Make… Together
Watch this short video to get an overview of our work and the difference it makes.
Where We Work
The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Though the island is often promoted to tourists as a Caribbean playground, a far different reality pervades. Originally colonized by Spain and France, the DR and Haiti still bear the scars of colonialism, and continue to be exploited today. Unfortunately, those who are poor suffer most. In Haiti, 70% of the populace lives in extreme poverty, 72% lack basic sanitation, and 50% lack clean water. In the DR, where more Haitians increasingly seek a better life, the reality is still grim:
42% of populace lives in poverty; 16% in extreme poverty
nearly 1 million families lack decent housing
36% of rural residents lack sanitation; 15% lack clean water
18% adult illiteracy
22% of children finish 8th grade; 10% finish high school
average daily wage for unskilled labor: $6 US/day
EAB’s mission and programs respond to these realities, meeting the immediate and long-term needs of residents in the two communities in which we collaborate.
Accomplishments So Far…
160+ latrines built, in five rural communities, as of September 2023
200+ water filters delivered in five rural communities, as of Sept 2023
113 home projects completed, in five rural communities, as of Sept 2023
Two free-access community clinics, providing basic healthcare and medicine
Vastly improved health outcomes help children attend and succeed in school, their parents stay employed and manage the family, and the whole community thrive.
100 students supported annually in college, trade school, high school, and primary levels
Graduates: 19 college/professional school; 8 trade school; 106 high school, as of Sept 2023
Summer camps in two communities, fully planned and directed by these same high school & scholarship students, for early learners
Improved education outcomes enable beneficiaries to become professionals, and lift their families and communities out of cycle of poverty and dependence
67 U.S. service-learning immersion programs, with over 700 participants, as of Sept 2023
Groups hail from 15 different high schools, universities, and parishes nationwide
Unique service-learning program for Dominican students connects them to historical, cultural, and intellectual roots of their country, allows them to meet social justice leaders, and provides spiritual enrichment and leadership training
The “culture of service” EAB creates has improved career outcomes for U.S. participants, and fostered increased self-sufficiency and pride of ownership in Dominican communities