What We Do
We work in partnership with marginalized communities in the Dominican Republic to co-create lasting solutions to extreme poverty, through educational, community development, and service-learning programs.
Our Full Circle Model
We meet basic health needs: food, water, sanitation, and shelter…
Over half of rural Dominicans live in poverty according to the recent studies by IFAD. Access to healthcare in rural areas is very scarce, so EAB plays a critical role in bringing health care to the rural areas that are too often left out of government health care facilities and programs.
…in order to help students thrive through high school and college…
Schools are often located far away from children’s homes requiring transport and in some cases meals, school supplies, and uniforms. EAB has an extensive elementary school and high school program which includes mentorship by community leaders, as well as a robust college/technical school scholarship program.
…all along empowering people to “pay forward” their blessings to others still in need.
Through service-learning immersion and community-based programs, we work in partnership with communities here in the US and in the Dominican Republic to foster a culture of service. Our service programs have run during spring break and summer break and included a 2 week experience and an alumni 1 week program.
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